As requested on user list, there are usecases when setup/tear down steps are required at story level (i.e. for multiple scenarios) and not at single scenario level (dealt by @BeforeScenario/@AfterScenario annotations).
Equivalent story-level annotations @BeforeStory/@AfterStory would address these usecases.

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Assignee | Mauro Talevi [ maurotalevi ] |

Status | Open [ 1 ] | In Progress [ 3 ] |

Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | In Progress [ 3 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |

Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Resolved [ 5 ] | Reopened [ 4 ] |

Status | Reopened [ 4 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |
Added uponEmbedded=[true|false] attribute to @Before/@AfterStory annotations.