  1. JBehave
  2. JBEHAVE-258

Annotation for ParameterConverter


    • Type: Improvement Improvement
    • Status: Open Open
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
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      Simplifying adding ParameterConverter to Steps. Here's an example :

      public class DateTimeConverter  implements ParameterConverter {
      	public boolean accept(Type type) {
      		return type.equals( DateTime.class );
      	public Object convertValue(String value, Type type) {			
      		return new DateTime( value );
      public class PersonSteps {
      	private Person person;
      	private DateTime currentDate;
      	// ... steps

      The ParameterConverters annotation takes an array of TypeConverter :

      public @interface ParameterConverters {
      	Class<? extends ParameterConverter>[] value();

      Here is a steps factory :

      public class ParameterConverterStepsFactory {
          public CandidateSteps[] createCandidateSteps(Object... stepsInstances) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
              CandidateSteps[] candidateSteps = new CandidateSteps[stepsInstances.length];
              for (int i = 0; i < stepsInstances.length; i++) {
              	Object stepsInstance = stepsInstances[i];
              	StepsConfiguration configuration;
              	ParameterConverters parameterConverters = 
              		stepsInstance.getClass().getAnnotation( ParameterConverters.class );
              	if( parameterConverters != null ) {
              		configuration = createConfiguration( parameterConverters );
              	} else {    		
              		configuration = new StepsConfiguration();
                  candidateSteps[i] = new Steps(configuration, stepsInstance);
              return candidateSteps;
      	private StepsConfiguration createConfiguration(
      			ParameterConverters annotation) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
      		ParameterConverter[] converters = new ParameterConverter[ annotation.value().length ];
      		for( int i = 0; i < converters.length; i ++ ) {
      			converters[ i ] = annotation.value()[ i ].newInstance();
      		org.jbehave.scenario.steps.ParameterConverters converterAggregate = 
      			new org.jbehave.scenario.steps.ParameterConverters( converters );
      		return new StepsConfiguration( converterAggregate );


        Mauro Talevi added a comment -

        Interesting stuff, Bruno. My only comment is that the annotation route might work nicely with converters that have default constructors, but how do we handle those that take parameters upon instantiation. It might get pretty messy.

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - Interesting stuff, Bruno. My only comment is that the annotation route might work nicely with converters that have default constructors, but how do we handle those that take parameters upon instantiation. It might get pretty messy.
        Bruno Bieth added a comment - - edited

        I believe in most cases converters don't need parameters.
        If I recall the example in the documentation speak about dates. Honestly I don't think you should handle date conversion differently across your scenarios.
        Of course I'm not saying you should remove the possibility to instanciate converters. Just that most of the time you'd have :

        public class PersonSteps {

        As opposed to

        public class PersonSteps extends Steps {
        private static final StepsConfiguration configuration = new StepsConfiguration();
        public PersonSteps(ClassLoader classLoader) {
            configuration.useParameterConverters(new ParameterConverters(
                   new DateTimeConverter(),new PercentageConverter()));  // define converter for custom type Date

        and as a side note you have to extend Steps (at least that's what the documentation says).

        Bruno Bieth added a comment - - edited I believe in most cases converters don't need parameters. If I recall the example in the documentation speak about dates. Honestly I don't think you should handle date conversion differently across your scenarios. Of course I'm not saying you should remove the possibility to instanciate converters. Just that most of the time you'd have : @ParameterConverters({DateTimeConverter.class,PercentageConverter.class}) public class PersonSteps { //... } As opposed to public class PersonSteps extends Steps { private static final StepsConfiguration configuration = new StepsConfiguration(); public PersonSteps( ClassLoader classLoader) { super (configuration); configuration.useParameterConverters( new ParameterConverters( new DateTimeConverter(), new PercentageConverter())); // define converter for custom type Date } } and as a side note you have to extend Steps (at least that's what the documentation says).
        Mauro Talevi added a comment -

        In some cases you do need to provide parameters to the converters, if you want to make the converters reasonably re-usable.

        But I take your point that for those converters that don't need parameters the annotation strategy is terser and more compact.

        BTW, the Steps classes don't need to extend Steps anymore and the converters configuration can be done
        outside of the Steps instance.

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - In some cases you do need to provide parameters to the converters, if you want to make the converters reasonably re-usable. But I take your point that for those converters that don't need parameters the annotation strategy is terser and more compact. BTW, the Steps classes don't need to extend Steps anymore and the converters configuration can be done outside of the Steps instance.


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            Bruno Bieth
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