This bug appered when we started to use scenario level GivenStories keyword in our stories.
Scenario: ...
GivenStories: ...
Given ...
We use Hudson as CI with jenkins plugin for present reports. Probably, jbehave generates invalid xml, so exception occured(see StackTrace.txt in attachments) on post-build action "Publish testing tools result report".
I investigated generated xml and found some weird things:
1)missing "=" between attribute's name and value
<givenStories keyword"GivenStories:">
2)strange string like
<givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/>
3)escaping missed
<failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1>
<failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1>
4)in two similar stories we have different xml
<givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> </givenStories>
<scenario keyword="Scenario:" title="scenario title"> <step outcome="successful"> Given given step {0} </step>

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Description |
This bug appered when we started to use scenario level GivenStories keyword in our stories.
Scenario: ... GivenStories: ... Given ... We use Hudson as CI with jenkins plugin for present reports. Probably, jbehave generates invalid xml, so exception occured(see StackTrace.txt in attachments) on post-build action "Publish testing tools result report". I investigated generated xml and found some weird things: 1)missing "=" betwean attribute's name and value <givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> 2)strange string like <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> 3)escaping missed <failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1> instead <failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1> 4)in two similar stories we have different xml first: <givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> </givenStories> second: <scenario keyword="Scenario:" title="scenario title"> <step outcome="successful"> Given given step {0} </step> |
This bug appered when we started to use scenario level GivenStories keyword in our stories.
Scenario: ... GivenStories: ... Given ... We use Hudson as CI with jenkins plugin for present reports. Probably, jbehave generates invalid xml, so exception occured(see StackTrace.txt in attachments) on post-build action "Publish testing tools result report". I investigated generated xml and found some weird things: 1)missing "=" between attribute's name and value {xml} <givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> {xml} 2)strange string like {xml} <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> {xml} 3)escaping missed {xml} <failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1> {xml} instead {xml} <failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1> {xml} 4)in two similar stories we have different xml first: {xml} <givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> </givenStories> {xml} second: {xml} <scenario keyword="Scenario:" title="scenario title"> <step outcome="successful"> Given given step {0} </step> {xml} |

Description |
This bug appered when we started to use scenario level GivenStories keyword in our stories.
Scenario: ... GivenStories: ... Given ... We use Hudson as CI with jenkins plugin for present reports. Probably, jbehave generates invalid xml, so exception occured(see StackTrace.txt in attachments) on post-build action "Publish testing tools result report". I investigated generated xml and found some weird things: 1)missing "=" between attribute's name and value {xml} <givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> {xml} 2)strange string like {xml} <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> {xml} 3)escaping missed {xml} <failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1> {xml} instead {xml} <failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1> {xml} 4)in two similar stories we have different xml first: {xml} <givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> </givenStories> {xml} second: {xml} <scenario keyword="Scenario:" title="scenario title"> <step outcome="successful"> Given given step {0} </step> {xml} |
This bug appered when we started to use scenario level GivenStories keyword in our stories.
Scenario: ... GivenStories: ... Given ... We use Hudson as CI with jenkins plugin for present reports. Probably, jbehave generates invalid xml, so exception occured(see StackTrace.txt in attachments) on post-build action "Publish testing tools result report". I investigated generated xml and found some weird things: 1)missing "=" between attribute's name and value {code:xml} <givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> {code} 2)strange string like {code:xml} <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> {code} 3)escaping missed {code:xml} <failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1> {code} instead {code:xml} <failure>junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected <10> but was <1> {code} 4)in two similar stories we have different xml first: {code:xml} <givenStories keyword"GivenStories:"> <givenStory >stories/Story_name.story/> </givenStories> {code} second: {code:xml} <scenario keyword="Scenario:" title="scenario title"> <step outcome="successful"> Given given step {0} </step> {code} |

Attachment | PseudoStory.txt [ 60713 ] |

Summary | Invalid xml generated for reports. | Some XML template-generated reports are invalid. |
Assignee | Mauro Talevi [ maurotalevi ] | |
Fix Version/s | 3.6.9 [ 18650 ] | |
Component/s | Core [ 11086 ] | |
Component/s | Jenkins Support [ 15054 ] |

Summary | Some XML template-generated reports are invalid. | Some template-generated reports are invalid. |

Status | Open [ 1 ] | In Progress [ 3 ] |

Status | In Progress [ 3 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |

Fix Version/s | 3.7 [ 18390 ] |
the wiki syntax for jira breaks most source code type text, could you please add the description once more enclosed in
(unless you did that already and the output is correct as it is displayed)