I want to contribute a JBehave module supporting Needle as DI/Mocking framework (, similiar to other existing (Guice, Spring, Weld). As a result, one could use Needle inside of JBehave which would ease testing of JEE components.
My first implementation is already committed to the fork:
Currently it already provides NeedleStepsFactory and I'm working on @UsingNeedle annotation right now.
Mauro Talevi
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Fix Version/s | 3.9 [ 19035 ] |
Mauro Talevi
made changes -
Issue Type | Improvement [ 4 ] | New Feature [ 2 ] |
Mauro Talevi
made changes -
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |
Holisticon AG as a company and Simon Zambrovski as a person are forgoing any IP and ownership on the code in favour of JBehave project.