Nicholas Smith May 24 (4 days ago) to dev Hi All I'm currently using JBehave and getting to the stage where I have quite a few scenarios, subsequently I am starting to notice increasing amounts of repetitive steps. I had hoped to push the common pre-requisites out to GivenStories and save the repetition. The problem is that I'm currently using @AfterScenario to tidy up before the next scenario, which fires at the end of the GivenStory Scenario as well as the Scenario under test; however in the case of a GivenStories I do not want this to happen as I am effectively trying to use them to set up the preconditions. I'm not sure if I am missing a configuration option or I am either misusing the @AfterScenario or GivenStories. Any advice? Thanks Nick Mauro Talevi May 25 (3 days ago) to dev GivenStories scenarios are currently treated as normal ones. We can add enhancement easily, as for parametrised scenarios. Please raise JIRA issue. Cheers