When story contains Lifecycle Before/After steps, these are executed outside the BeforeScenario/AfterScenario scope for scenarios parametrised by example.
When the JBEHAVE-993 was implemented, runLifecycleSteps is called before runBeforeOrAfterScenarioSteps (and in the reverse order at the end).
Attached is patch with fix and test (patch is based on commit 95dcd85)
Daniel Kolman
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Attachment | beforeAfterExampleWithUnifiedStepExecution.diff [ 65498 ] |
Mauro Talevi
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 3.9.2 [ 20180 ] |
Daniel Kolman
made changes -
Attachment | beforeAfterExampleWithUnifiedStepExecution.diff [ 65498 ] |
Daniel Kolman
made changes -
Attachment | beforeAfterExampleWithUnifiedStepExecution.diff [ 65499 ] |
Mauro Talevi
made changes -
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
This is important for us, because we begin the Guice scope in BeforeScenario method and close it in AfterScenario method, which then affects the construction of step instance used in Lifecycle Before step. There is no workaround we are aware of.