Some time (useStoryTimeoutInSecs) after starting my tests web browser is closed with warning" [WARNING] Story com/sample/qa/stories/login.story duration of 101 seconds has exceeded timeout of 100 seconds".
No one executed story exceed this time. This is even before "login.story" execution. The clue is that the story contains all @Before and @After methods. The story is executed as one of last (stories are independent so this is not a problem). So looks like timer is started for the story not in situation where story execution is started but when @BeforeStories from that story is run for first executed story.
As a hook I exceeded useStoryTimeoutInSecs very much (for length of all my stories execution), but in that case I am loosing mechanism for verifying story execution time.
I am using following JBehave versions:

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Description |
Some time (useStoryTimeoutInSecs) after starting my tests web browser is closed with warning" [WARNING] Story com/sample/qa/stories/login.story duration of 101 seconds has exceeded timeout of 100 seconds".
No one executed story exceed this time. This is even before "login.story" execution. The clue is that the story contains all @Before and @After methods. The story is executed as one of last (stories are independent so this is not a problem). So looks like timer is started for the story not in situation where story execution is started but when @BeforeStories from that story is run for first executed story. As a hook I exceeded useStoryTimeoutInSecs very much (for length of all my stories execution), but in that case I am loosing mechanism for verifying story execution time. |
Some time (useStoryTimeoutInSecs) after starting my tests web browser is closed with warning" [WARNING] Story com/sample/qa/stories/login.story duration of 101 seconds has exceeded timeout of 100 seconds".
No one executed story exceed this time. This is even before "login.story" execution. The clue is that the story contains all @Before and @After methods. The story is executed as one of last (stories are independent so this is not a problem). So looks like timer is started for the story not in situation where story execution is started but when @BeforeStories from that story is run for first executed story. As a hook I exceeded useStoryTimeoutInSecs very much (for length of all my stories execution), but in that case I am loosing mechanism for verifying story execution time. I am using following JBehave versions: <jbehave.core.version>4.0-beta-9</jbehave.core.version> <>3.2</> |

Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Assignee | Mauro Talevi [ maurotalevi ] | |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |

Fix Version/s | 3.9.4 [ 20449 ] |
Does this occur with 3.9.x as well?