Regardless of feelings about maven vs ant, there is a case for supporting both.
IMO maven 2 provides a declarative approach that simplifies readability of build system,
especially for multicomponent systems.
Discussions on merits should be on the list.
Here I'm attaching an initial spike patch that mavenises build for people to have a look at and get a feel.
Read README.txt to start off with - need to install cotta jar in the local repo (this is just a temporary step to get build
working - it can also be configured to be installed automatically or deployed to ibiblio).
The behaviours still fail to run because of the jbehave.core.util.BehavioursLoader does not provide injection of classloader.
Issue Links
- relates to
JBEHAVE-90 Allow goals to be run at test scope

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Attachment | jbehave-49-classloader.patch [ 27760 ] |

Status | Open [ 1 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |
Fix Version/s | 1.0.1 [ 13302 ] | |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |

Link |
This issue relates to |
Dear Mauro and JBehave team,
please find attached patch with a proposed fix for BehaviourRunnerMojo's classloader issue. It works by completly isolating into an classloader the BehaviourRunner and the behaviours to be verified. That classloader only knows a project's target/classes, target/test-classes and its dependencies of scope "test".
Hope this helps you, as it helped me.
PS: Also, I was working on extending your mojos to accept include/exlude patterns for searching for Behaviour-/Story-classes. That way JBehave's ant tasks and maven plugin would provide similar options to the user regarding the selection of classes (at least, in the beginning I was confused with those slight differences).
If you're interested, please let me know. I'd be happy to contribute the code.