I would like each example in each scenario in each story to show up as distinct result in the JUnit test results within my IDE and the JUnit reports. This has the advantage that assertion failures are linked to example failures and can be clicked on in the IDE to jump to source code of the offending failure. Currently I get a single failure in my IDE and have to look through log files or look at the JBehave report.
The current AnnotatedPathRunner implementation extends org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner and therefore uses the methods with a @Test annotation to drive the JUnit results. In most jbehave tests, there is only one such method which means that there is only a single result in the JUnit reports (IDE and HTML).
I have started to implement a new org.junit.runner.Runner implementation which extends org.junit.runners.ParentRunner and can use the stories as the basis for generating the JUnit test results rather than the Test case itself.
I have attached a screenshot and source code for running a single test (jbehave.ListTest) in Eclipse. The test case runs a single story (list.story). You can see from the results that there is a hierarchy in the JUnit results for story, scenario and example.
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- Lance
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- eclipse-screenshot.jpg
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Field | Original Value | New Value |
Attachment | [ 55900 ] |

Assignee | Mauro Talevi [ maurotalevi ] | |
Fix Version/s | 3.5 [ 17393 ] |
I feel that my JBehaveRunner implementation has more similar behaviour to standard JUnit testing because:
1. You get a new instance of the test case (and the steps) for every test execution.
2. Methods annotated with @Before (org.junit.Before) will run before every test execution
3. Methods annotated with @After (org.junit.After) will run after every test execution
My current JBehaveTestRunner implementation supports all of the JBehave annotations and also supports two new annotations (@BeforeExample and @AfterExample)
There are a couple of issues with these annotations with my JBehaveRunner implementation
4. A test instance is required to retrieve the first steps collection
5. A test instance is required for each story (@BeforeStory and @AfterStory)
6. A test instance is required for each scenario (@BeforeScenario and @AfterScenario [and @Steps, @Before and @After if there are no examples])
7. A test instance is required for each example (@BeforeExample, @AfterExample, @Steps, @Before, @After)
Currently 4, 5, 6 and 7 generate a separate test instance (which is shared between the annotations mentioned).
8. Any methods annotated with @BeforeStory and @AfterStorymust be static (similar to @BeforeClass and @AfterClass) therefore no test instance required.
9. For scenarios with no examples, any methods annotated with @BeforeScenario and @AfterScenario must be static.
10. Or we could get rid of all of the JBehave annotations and assume that @BeforeClass, @AfterClass and @Before and @After are sufficient

Fix Version/s | 3.x [ 16979 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 3.5 [ 17393 ] |
any idea on when this could possibly make it into a release?

we released an open-source-project jbehave-junit-runner that does exactly that.
Until JBehave supports it natively, You can use that.

jbehave-junit-runner is really awesome addon to JBehave! Please merge into JBehave if possible! And then add support to click on a JUnit result to get to the story file.

I have been experimenting with data driven tests in JBehave, TestNG integration would solve that. So that is a vote from me.

Joachim, thanks for Your support of jbehave-junit-runner. I'd love to implement the jump to the story file, when you click on the JUnit result, but to the best of my knowledge this is not possible. This limitation is a combination of JUnit and usual IDE integrations, like in Eclipse. In JUnit you can only remember, which method and class a test belongs to. The IDE integration then allows you to jump to that method in a class. If you have any idea, how to circumvent these challenges, I welcome your ideas

The same for TestNG would be useful.

Any progress on this? With API changes in 3.9 I had to create the patch for that change, but essentially it should be a part of JBehave, not an Add-On project. I would implement the merge on JBehave site and push it...

Pull request added:
I skipped the additional methods for @Before and @After annotated stuff. Just signal if you think it is a good idea to add those...

Hi Simon,
thanks for the contribution. It looks like a pretty good start. Things that I would add:
- failed stories/scenarios are not apparent in the results layout. This is a must IMO.
- colour-coding, say in red for failures and yellow for pending, or other equivalent decoration. Nice to have.
Can you also tell me if you've tested it with jbehave-annotations-example CoreAnnotatedPathRunner so we can verify the same behaviour.

PS: Please remember to put the JIRA issue in your commits:

I have updated the code which includes the following:
Maven pom
JBehaveTestRunner - runs JBehaveTests
SpringJBehaveTestRunner - runs JBehave / spring tests (supports spring dependency injection and TestExecutionListeners)
ListTest - simple jbehave test
MapSpringTest - spring test demonstrating @DirtiesContext
MultiStoryTest - example running 2 stories