I have tried to build a complete jbehave test into a jar file by maven assembly and then to run the test on another machine that doesn't have the dev system installed.
e.g. java -cp "lib*" org.junit.runner.JUnitCore de.vodafone.jbehave.rrd.runner.Runner
the reporter tries to create the files in a path that contains $PWD/file:/$PWD/lib/jbehave/view, so I assume the path is converted from the jar location to an url which then is used as a regular path, this doesn't work on Windows or creates a directory file: in linux.
(In Linux it is possible to work around this by creating a symlink from / to file:)
I'll try to attach an example project if I can narrow this down

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Attachment | [ 59055 ] |

Affects Version/s | 3.6 [ 17721 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 3.6 [ 17721 ] | |
Affects Version/s | 3.5.4 [ 18081 ] |

Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |

Summary | When running jbehave unit tests from inside a jar, the current path is converted to file:/home/.../ | When acccessing codeLocationFromClass from inside a jar, the current path is converted to file:/home/.../ |

Summary | When acccessing codeLocationFromClass from inside a jar, the current path is converted to file:/home/.../ | When acccessing codeLocationFromClass from inside a jar, the current path is converted to file:/home/.../ |

Summary | When acccessing codeLocationFromClass from inside a jar, the current path is converted to file:/home/.../ | Current path is converted to file:/home/.../ when accessing codeLocationFromClass from inside a jar |
Hi Alex, not at all clear what you mean by "running unit tests from inside a jar" nor what you're trying to do.
Best to discuss on the user list.