  1. JBehave
  2. JBEHAVE-786

if include instruction are alone, then the included steps are ignored.


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Open Open
    • Priority: Minor Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: 3.6.6
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Core
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      Windows XP - Maven 2.2.1 - JDK 1.5 - JBehave with WebDriver - French
    • Number of attachments :


      In my stories, some scenarios are factored in included files with no parameters. It is just a simple way to avoiding duplicates steps. Examples use case : share between 'create' and 'update' stories.

      When the include instruction are alone
      Then Jbehave doesnt execute the steps of included file

      When the include instruction is followed by simple a comment
      Then Jbehave execute the included steps

      Thomas Montembault

      Example :

      Fail :
      Scénario: Tester les champs d'édition
      Etant donné les Histoires: stories/personne/include/personneEdit.include

      Succes :

      Scénario: Tester les champs d'édition
      Etant donné les Histoires: stories/personne/include/personneEdit.include
      !-- Un commentaire pour permettre prise en charge du scénario inclu


      Scénario: Test Trigramme
      Quand l'utilisateur saisit '' dans le champ 'Trigramme'
      Quand l'utilisateur clique sur le bouton 'enregistrer'
      Alors la page doit afficher un message de validation '"Trigramme": Une donnée est requise.'
      Quand l'utilisateur saisit '_txt(2)' dans le champ 'Trigramme'
      Quand l'utilisateur clique sur le bouton 'enregistrer'
      Alors la page doit afficher un message de validation '"Trigramme": La donnée doit comporter au moins 3 caractères.'
      Quand l'utilisateur saisit '_txt(4)' dans le champ 'Trigramme'
      Quand l'utilisateur clique sur le bouton 'enregistrer'
      Alors la page doit afficher un message de validation '"Trigramme": La donnée a plus que les 3 caractères maximum autorisés.'
      Quand l'utilisateur saisit '_txt(3)' dans le champ 'Trigramme'

      ... idem pour tout les champs de saisies


        Mauro Talevi added a comment -

        GivenStories represent preconditions to a scenario, which is defined by its steps. If a scenario contains no steps then it's considered void and the given stories are not run.

        So, this is not a bug. If you want to run the given stories by themselves you can do directly.

        The workaround, as you've noted, is to use a comment as an ignorable step in the scenario to trigger the running of the given stories.

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - GivenStories represent preconditions to a scenario, which is defined by its steps. If a scenario contains no steps then it's considered void and the given stories are not run. So, this is not a bug. If you want to run the given stories by themselves you can do directly. The workaround, as you've noted, is to use a comment as an ignorable step in the scenario to trigger the running of the given stories.


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