  1. JBehave
  2. JBEHAVE-501

Report stying not being generated


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Resolved Resolved
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Not A Bug
    • Affects Version/s: 3.3.2
    • Fix Version/s: 3.4
    • Component/s: Core
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      Ant, Eclipse, JDK6
    • Number of attachments :


      I am using this report builder definition in a annotation setup as per the JBehave website documentation:

      public static class MyReportBuilder extends StoryReporterBuilder {
      public MyReportBuilder()

      { super(); this.withCodeLocation(CodeLocations.codeLocationFromPath("build/publish/x")); this.withRelativeDirectory("story-reports"); this.withDefaultFormats(); this.withFormats(CONSOLE, HTML); }


      The reports are being generated in the view directory, however there are no images, css or javascript being generated even though the html refers to them. I've scoured the web site documentation which suggests that they should be and tells you how to turn them off, but not what to do if they are not there.


        Derek Clarkson added a comment -

        OK, I eventually managed to locate a zip file of the css, javascript and images on https://nexus.codehaus.org/content/repositories/releases/org/jbehave/site/jbehave-site-resources/ however it is only 3.1.1 and the jbehave.css file is a different name to generated html which expects jbehave-core.css. Thats in the core jar file but is not extracted by the reports.

        I extracted the zip and set it as a source folder in eclipse with a output folder that matches my reports directories. So that got most of the bits in the correct place.

        Either there is an easier (non-maven) way of doing this or stuff is missing from the downloads and documentation sections of the JBehave website.

        Derek Clarkson added a comment - OK, I eventually managed to locate a zip file of the css, javascript and images on https://nexus.codehaus.org/content/repositories/releases/org/jbehave/site/jbehave-site-resources/ however it is only 3.1.1 and the jbehave.css file is a different name to generated html which expects jbehave-core.css. Thats in the core jar file but is not extracted by the reports. I extracted the zip and set it as a source folder in eclipse with a output folder that matches my reports directories. So that got most of the bits in the correct place. Either there is an easier (non-maven) way of doing this or stuff is missing from the downloads and documentation sections of the JBehave website.
        Mauro Talevi added a comment -

        The trader example has an Ant build script that you can use as a template to get you started. It downloads the reports resources using the Maven Ant Tasks but you can also do it manually.

        The latest version of the site resources is indeed 3.1.1 - the version is not linked to the version of core or web.

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - The trader example has an Ant build script that you can use as a template to get you started. It downloads the reports resources using the Maven Ant Tasks but you can also do it manually. The latest version of the site resources is indeed 3.1.1 - the version is not linked to the version of core or web.
        Mauro Talevi made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Fix Version/s 3.4 [ 17278 ]
        Resolution Not A Bug [ 6 ]
        Derek Clarkson added a comment -

        Can I suggest that the template stuff be added to core and written out as part of producing the reports. As it currently stands it's hard to find and not well documented that users need to do this extra work to get it working.

        Derek Clarkson added a comment - Can I suggest that the template stuff be added to core and written out as part of producing the reports. As it currently stands it's hard to find and not well documented that users need to do this extra work to get it working.
        Anders Sandberg Nordbø added a comment -

        I agree this would make it easier, even if this is not a bug it would be beneficial to move this issue to improvement.

        Anders Sandberg Nordbø added a comment - I agree this would make it easier, even if this is not a bug it would be beneficial to move this issue to improvement.
        Michael M added a comment -

        After someone modified our build, I found that our reports no longer have the stylesheet present. I agree that it would be a nice improvement to have this done automatically, it has taken some googling just to find out what the problem is.

        Michael M added a comment - After someone modified our build, I found that our reports no longer have the stylesheet present. I agree that it would be a nice improvement to have this done automatically, it has taken some googling just to find out what the problem is.


          • Assignee:
            Derek Clarkson
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