New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 3.4
Fix Version/s: 3.x
Component/s: None
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Description is great, but pertains to a single step.
Given I'm on the FooBar Page which is 20 mins of clicking through prelim pages
When I enter <foo> in the foo field
Then the bar field is auto-completed with <bar>Examples:
foo bar eggs bacon toast marmite suggests that all the Given/When/Then steps are repeated.
In the linked-to example, it is the only one given. What this change is about is the fact that only the When/Then steps need to be repeated. This is implicit because the Given line does not refer to any of the table params.
If this needs to be explicit, it could be a team's choice to set this for the entire set of stories:
Or it could be specified in the story itself:
Given I'm on the FooBar Page which is 20 mins of clicking through prelim pages
When I enter <foo> in the foo field
Then the bar field is auto-completed with <bar>Examples(1-2):
foo bar eggs bacon toast marmite

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Description | is great, but pertains to a single step.
{quote} Given I'm on the FooBar Page which is 20 mins of clicking through prelim pages When I enter <foo> in the foo field Then the bar field is auto-completed with <bar> Examples: | foo | bar | | eggs | bacon | | toast | marmite | {quote} (note no /stable/ version of this page) gives the general theme, but suggests that all the Given/When/Then steps are repeated. In the linked-to example, it is the only one given. What this change is about is the fact that only the When/Then steps need to be repeated. This is implicit because the Given line does not refer to any of the table params. If this needs to be explicit, it could be a team's choice to set this for the entire set of stories: bq. configuration.setPartialExamplesTablesExpansionPerScenario(true); Or it could be specified in the story itself: {quote} Given I'm on the FooBar Page which is 20 mins of clicking through prelim pages When I enter <foo> in the foo field Then the bar field is auto-completed with <bar> Examples(1-2): | foo | bar | | eggs | bacon | | toast | marmite | {quote} | is great, but pertains to a single step.
{quote} Given I'm on the FooBar Page which is 20 mins of clicking through prelim pages When I enter <foo> in the foo field Then the bar field is auto-completed with <bar> Examples: | foo | bar | | eggs | bacon | | toast | marmite | {quote} suggests that all the Given/When/Then steps are repeated. In the linked-to example, it is the only one given. What this change is about is the fact that only the When/Then steps need to be repeated. This is implicit because the Given line does not refer to any of the table params. If this needs to be explicit, it could be a team's choice to set this for the entire set of stories: bq. configuration.setPartialExamplesTablesExpansionPerScenario(true); Or it could be specified in the story itself: {quote} Given I'm on the FooBar Page which is 20 mins of clicking through prelim pages When I enter <foo> in the foo field Then the bar field is auto-completed with <bar> Examples(1-2): | foo | bar | | eggs | bacon | | toast | marmite | {quote} |

Fix Version/s | 3.x [ 16979 ] | |
Fix Version/s | 3.5 [ 17393 ] |
Composite steps ( is one option that allows to group a subset of scenario steps.
Another approach is to have the part that is not repeated contained in a GivenStory precondition, leaving the repeated steps in the parametrised scenario.
Supporting the tabular parameters for arbitrary subset of steps is likely to be non trivial, and possibly confusing unless we can come up with a clear way to spell out which steps are executed in which order.