From 1.2.x Hamcrest has removed hamcrest-all. As for 1.1 separate modules are available:
- hamcrest-core: provides the API, unlikely to change much: used at compile time in jbehave-core for OutcomesTable
- hamcrest-library: provides the library of Matchers
- hamcrest-integration: provides integration with other tools, e.g. JUnit, JMock etc ...
Making jbehave-core depend explicitly on the separate modules allows uses to override individual modules (e.g. hamcrest-library) via the POM dependency management.

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Summary | Upgrade to hamcrest-library 1.2 | Split hamcrest-all dependency |
Fix Version/s | 3.4.5 [ 17412 ] | |
Description |
From 1.2 Hamcrest has deprecated hamcrest-all and moved to a modules with transitive dependencies.
jbehave-core should depend on org.hamcrest:hamcrest-library. |
From 1.2.x Hamcrest has removed hamcrest-all and moved to separate modules hamcrest-library and hamcrest-integration (with transitive dependencies).

Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |

Description |
From 1.2.x Hamcrest has removed hamcrest-all and moved to separate modules hamcrest-library and hamcrest-integration (with transitive dependencies).
From 1.2.x Hamcrest has removed hamcrest-all. As for 1.1 separate modules are available:
- hamcrest-core: provides the API, unlikely to change much: used at compile time in jbehave-core for OutcomesTable - hamcrest-library: provides the library of Matchers - hamcrest-integration: provides integration with other tools, e.g. JUnit, JMock etc ... Making jbehave-core depend explicitly on the separate modules allows uses to override individual modules (e.g. hamcrest-library) via the POM dependency management. |