Hey Mauro, thanks for letting me know that I should also test with "-Pexamples", it will be useful 
About the issue, it is happening in your master too and it is a bug in Weld:
they're generating java class names with illegal characters for their proxies. The Weld example never really worked and the build with profile 'examples' is broken since Paul added it back to the examples' pom.xml:
I got success after upgrading to Weld-se 1.1.1.Final and you can pull my checkin:
Would be better if you add the 'examples' build in the CI environment, so you will be aware of any breakage on them.
Now talking about this ticket, I've made a great progress in the last couple of days and hope to finish everything in the next days, so stay tuned! 
I've been working on this new feature, you can check my branch' commits here: