As Paul noted, the message in the BeforeOrAfterFailed message can be too verbose and confusing when reading logs.
Should be shorted to include method short name, annotations short names and class, e.g.:
Method aFailingBeforeScenarioMethod (annotated with @BeforeScenario in class org.jbehave.core.steps.SomeSteps) failed: java.lang.RuntimeException

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Summary | Shorten method and annotation signature in BeforeOrAfterFalled message | Compatify method and annotation information in BeforeOrAfterFalled message |

Status | Open [ 1 ] | In Progress [ 3 ] |

Summary | Compatify method and annotation information in BeforeOrAfterFalled message | Compactify method and annotation information in BeforeOrAfterFalled message |

Summary | Compactify method and annotation information in BeforeOrAfterFalled message | Compactify method and annotation information in BeforeOrAfterFailed message |

Status | In Progress [ 3 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |