I have 3 suggestions for improvements of the ant copy-dependencies process (or 2 suggestions and one question=
- update maven-ant-tasks to the current version (2.1.3)
- the maven-ant-tasks jar shouldn't be in lib (since it is not a dependency of jbehave) maybe if should be in a subdir ant
- is it intentional that the binary distribution doesn't contain any binaries? It just downloads the jbehave jars along with the dependencies.

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Summary | ant copy-depedencies improvments | ant copy-depedencies improvements |
Fix Version/s | 3.6 [ 17721 ] |

Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |
Please feel free to attach patch for first two points.
Yes, it is intentional to avoid having big bloated distributions. It's very easy to download and cache dependencies.