I have noticed a problem in my story where I need to change the ExampleTableSeperatorValue (since a webpage title contains a vertical bar).
This could be easily configured if the separator could be changed for an individual table (like
!-- a comment --!

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Fix Version/s | 3.6 [ 17721 ] | |
Description |
I have noticed a problem in my story where I need to change the ExampleTableSeperatorValue (since a webpage title contains a vertical bar).
This could be easily configured if the separator could be changed for an individual table (like {trim=false}). E.g. {ExamplesTableValueSeparator=!} !url!title! !!|Example! |
I have noticed a problem in my story where I need to change the ExampleTableSeperatorValue (since a webpage title contains a vertical bar).
This could be easily configured if the separator could be changed for an individual table (like {trim=false}). E.g. {ignorableSeparator=!--,headerSeparator=!,valueSeparator=!} !url!title! !-- a comment --! !!|Example! |

Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Assignee | Mauro Talevi [ maurotalevi ] | |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |

Description |
I have noticed a problem in my story where I need to change the ExampleTableSeperatorValue (since a webpage title contains a vertical bar).
This could be easily configured if the separator could be changed for an individual table (like {trim=false}). E.g. {ignorableSeparator=!--,headerSeparator=!,valueSeparator=!} !url!title! !-- a comment --! !!|Example! |
I have noticed a problem in my story where I need to change the ExampleTableSeperatorValue (since a webpage title contains a vertical bar).
This could be easily configured if the separator could be changed for an individual table (like {trim=false}). E.g. {code} {ignorableSeparator=!--,headerSeparator=!,valueSeparator=!} !url!title! !-- a comment --! !!|Example! {code} |

Comment |
[ The example didn't quite work due to jira formatting
{noformat} {ExamplesTableValueSeparator=!} !url!title! !!|Example! {noformat} ] |