When meta info is mentioned as below, with GivenStories at story level, the value of meta property gets appended with the GivenStories line.
For example for a story file as below
@storyName ReuseBitrate
Scenario: Verifying ReuseBitrate functionality
Given Step1
Then Step2
The value of @storyName appears with the next line (without quotes)

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Fix Version/s | 3.7.2 [ 18853 ] |

Summary | Story parser is unable to parse end of the line for meta-tag in story file | Story meta incorrectly parsed when GivenStories are specified at story level |
Description |
When meta info is mentioned as below, the value of meta-tag gets appended with the next line characters.For example for a story file as below
Meta: @storyName ReuseBitrate GivenStories:EndToEnd.story Scenario: Verifying ReuseBitrate functionality Given Step1 Then Step2 The value of @storyName appears with the next line (without quotes) "ReuseBitrate GivenStories:EndToEnd.story" |
When meta info is mentioned as below, with GivenStories at story level, the value of meta property gets appended with the GivenStories line.
For example for a story file as below Meta: @storyName ReuseBitrate GivenStories:EndToEnd.story Scenario: Verifying ReuseBitrate functionality Given Step1 Then Step2 The value of @storyName appears with the next line (without quotes) "ReuseBitrate GivenStories:EndToEnd.story" |

Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Assignee | Mauro Talevi [ maurotalevi ] | |
Resolution | Fixed [ 1 ] |

Fix Version/s | 3.8 [ 19104 ] |