Resolution: Not A Bug
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Eclipse Support
Number of attachments :
I am not entering to @Given. Please advise.
Given a data of members
MemberID|FName| LName|CarrierID| GroupID| DOB| Address1| Address2| City| State| ZipCode|
100000000|PINKIE PIE|PONY| | | | | | | | | |
100000001|Rainbow|Dash| | | | | | | | | | |
and providers
ProviderID|FName| LName| Address1| Address2| City| State| ZipCode|
100000000|PINKIE PIE|PONY| | | | | |
100000001|Rainbow|Dash| | | | | |
and claims
ClaimID| MemberID| ProviderID| ClaimStatus|DaysSupply |GPI |Qty|ClaimDt|DrugName|DiagnosisCode|ProviderID| PFName| PLastName| PartyID|
100000000|100000000| 100000002|P| 30|62053550100330|60| | | | | | | |
When AP_Dementia is the program to run with 2 DTPcount
Then match output file in this file location
@Given("a data of $members and $providers and $claims ")
public void TestFixtures(ExamplesTable members, ExamplesTable claims,
ExamplesTable providers)
@When("AP_Dementia is the program to run with 2 DTPcount")
public void runGuidedHealth()
@Then("match output file in this file location")
public void CheckFileOutput() {
------Console output -----
Processing system properties {}
Using controls EmbedderControls[batch=false,skip=false,generateViewAfterStories=true,ignoreFailureInStories=true,ignoreFailureInView=true,verboseFailures=false,verboseFiltering=false,storyTimeoutInSecs=60,threads=2]
Running story com/story/DrugSafetyTest.story
Scenario: Retrieve member information by member ID and running rule
Given a data of members
MemberID|FName| LName|CarrierID| GroupID| DOB| Address1| Address2| City| State| ZipCode|
100000000|PINKIE PIE|PONY| | | | | | | | | |
100000001|Rainbow|Dash| | | | | | | | | | |
and providers
ProviderID|FName| LName| Address1| Address2| City| State| ZipCode|
100000000|PINKIE PIE|PONY| | | | | |
100000001|Rainbow|Dash| | | | | |
and claims
ClaimID| MemberID| ProviderID| ClaimStatus|DaysSupply |GPI |Qty|ClaimDt|DrugName|DiagnosisCode|ProviderID| PFName| PLastName| PartyID|
100000000|100000000| 100000002|P| 30|62053550100330|60| | | | | | | | (PENDING)
When AP_Dementia is the program to run with 2 DTPcount (NOT PERFORMED)
Then match output file in this file location (NOT PERFORMED)
@Given("a data of members \r\nMemberID|FName| LName|CarrierID| GroupID| DOB| Address1| Address2| City| State| ZipCode| \r\n100000000|PINKIE PIE|PONY|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\r\n100000001|Rainbow|Dash|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\r\n\r\nand providers \r\nProviderID|FName| LName| Address1| Address2| City| State| ZipCode| \r\n100000000|PINKIE PIE|PONY|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\r\n100000001|Rainbow|Dash|\t\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\r\n\r\nand claims \r\nClaimID| MemberID| ProviderID| ClaimStatus|DaysSupply |GPI |Qty|ClaimDt|DrugName|DiagnosisCode|ProviderID| PFName| PLastName| PartyID|\r\n100000000|100000000| 100000002|P| 30|62053550100330|60|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|\t|")
public void givenADataOfMembersMemberIDFNameLNameCarrierIDGroupIDDOBAddress1Address2CityStateZipCode100000000PINKIEPIEPONY100000001RainbowDashAndProvidersProviderIDFNameLNameAddress1Address2CityStateZipCode100000000PINKIEPIEPONY100000001RainbowDashAndClaimsClaimIDMemberIDProviderIDClaimStatusDaysSupplyGPIQtyClaimDtDrugNameDiagnosisCodeProviderIDPFNamePLastNamePartyID100000000100000000100000002P306205355010033060()

Field | Original Value | New Value |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Not A Bug [ 6 ] |
You're using the wrong matching pattern. Instead of
@Given("a data of $members and $providers and $claims ")
you should use
@Given("a data of members $members and providers $providers and claims $claims")
Or change the language in your textual story.
Also, bear in mind that the Eclipse plugin does not recognise for the moment "partial tables", i.e. table rows must start and end with "|".