  1. JBehave
  2. JBEHAVE-925

Failures at BeforeStories is not being transmited to junit viewer


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Open Open
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: 4.x
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Core
    • Labels:
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      Given that I'm running a test using a embedder AnnotatedPathRunner using Eclipse IDE
      And that I set ignoreFailureInStories to false
      When failures occurs on method tagged by @BeforeStories
      The Console shows that a failure have occurred
      And the JUnit viewer is showing a wrong green result


        Tidhar K.O. added a comment - - edited

        The same behavior happens when using @BeforeStory.
        BeforeStory fail, but JBehave plugin shows success.
        it seems that in that case, there are no xml test files created, and that is why it passes.

        actually, there is an xml, but the JBehave plugin does interpreters it as a failed test, perhaps because there is not "scenario" tag in it.
        the xml:

        <story path="com/myCompany/myProject/test/ui/gate_keeper/myStory.story" title="Platform UI Gate Keeper story">
        <property keyword="@" name="DEV:" value="tizki ko"/>
        <property keyword="@" name="DSL:" value=""/>
        <property keyword="@" name="QA: " value="tizki ko"/>
        <step outcome="failed" keyword="FAILED">com.myCompany.myProject.test.ui.dsl.myProjectCore.UtilsDsl.BeforeStoriesLoginDSL.doBeforeStories()<failure>org.jbehave.core.failures.BeforeOrAfterFailed: Method doBeforeStories (annotated with @BeforeStory in class com.myCompany.myProject.test.ui.dsl.myProjectCore.UtilsDsl.BeforeStoriesLoginDSL) failed: org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Timed out after 15 seconds waiting for com.myCompany.myProject.automation.framework.WebDriverEx$11@166418d9
        Build info: version: '2.35.0', revision: '8df0c6bedf70ff9f22c647788f9fe9c8d22210e2', time: '2013-08-17 12:46:41'
        System info: os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64', java.version: '1.7.0_10'
        Driver info: driver.version: unknown</failure></step>

        Tidhar K.O. added a comment - - edited The same behavior happens when using @BeforeStory. BeforeStory fail, but JBehave plugin shows success. it seems that in that case, there are no xml test files created, and that is why it passes. Edit: actually, there is an xml, but the JBehave plugin does interpreters it as a failed test, perhaps because there is not "scenario" tag in it. the xml: <story path="com/myCompany/myProject/test/ui/gate_keeper/myStory.story" title="Platform UI Gate Keeper story"> <meta> <property keyword="@" name="DEV:" value="tizki ko"/> <property keyword="@" name="DSL:" value=""/> <property keyword="@" name="QA: " value="tizki ko"/> </meta> <step outcome="failed" keyword="FAILED">com.myCompany.myProject.test.ui.dsl.myProjectCore.UtilsDsl.BeforeStoriesLoginDSL.doBeforeStories()<failure>org.jbehave.core.failures.BeforeOrAfterFailed: Method doBeforeStories (annotated with @BeforeStory in class com.myCompany.myProject.test.ui.dsl.myProjectCore.UtilsDsl.BeforeStoriesLoginDSL) failed: org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Timed out after 15 seconds waiting for com.myCompany.myProject.automation.framework.WebDriverEx$11@166418d9 Build info: version: '2.35.0', revision: '8df0c6bedf70ff9f22c647788f9fe9c8d22210e2', time: '2013-08-17 12:46:41' System info: os.name: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64', java.version: '1.7.0_10' Driver info: driver.version: unknown</failure></step> </story>


          • Assignee:
            Cristiano Gavião
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