  1. JBehave
  2. JBEHAVE-940

Add meta tag support to Gherkin story parser


    • Type: Improvement Improvement
    • Status: Resolved Resolved
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: 3.9
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Number of attachments :


      Currently GherkinStoryParser does not support meta info.
      Gherkin provides support for tags which should be interpreted as no-value meta properties and can be used to filter, e.g. @skip tag.


        Mauro Talevi added a comment -

        Can you provide a sample project to reproduce?

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - Can you provide a sample project to reproduce?
        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment -

        To reproduce @skip tag issue

        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment - To reproduce @skip tag issue
        Nirmala Sakthi made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Attachment Calculator_jbehave.zip [ 64022 ]
        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment -

        Sure. Please find an attachment of a sample Calculator project in a zip format. Thank you Mauro!

        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment - Sure. Please find an attachment of a sample Calculator project in a zip format. Thank you Mauro!
        Mauro Talevi made changes -
        Summary @skip tag does not work with .feature file Add meta tag support to Gherkin story parser
        Issue Type Bug [ 1 ] Improvement [ 4 ]
        Fix Version/s 3.9 [ 19035 ]
        Description We use GherkinStoryParser() with .feature file. We could not get @skip tag to work to skip certain scenarios. It works with .story files. Is there a way I can get the tags to work with .feature files? Currently GherkinStoryParser does not support meta info.
        Gherkin provides support for tags which should be interpreted as no-value meta properties and can be used to filter, e.g. @skip tag.
        Mauro Talevi added a comment -

        Hi Nirmala, tag support was missing from the Gherkin story parser. We'll add it.

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - Hi Nirmala, tag support was missing from the Gherkin story parser. We'll add it.
        Mauro Talevi made changes -
        Assignee Mauro Talevi [ maurotalevi ]
        Mauro Talevi made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        Mauro Talevi added a comment - - edited

        Pushed commit and deployed new snapshot. Added and verified tags on the gherkin example. Could you please test the latest snapshot on your side?

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - - edited Pushed commit and deployed new snapshot. Added and verified tags on the gherkin example. Could you please test the latest snapshot on your side?
        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment -

        Thank you Mauro! That is great. I am not able to use the snapshot version. Can you release a beta version or something?

        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment - Thank you Mauro! That is great. I am not able to use the snapshot version. Can you release a beta version or something?
        Mauro Talevi added a comment -

        Having issues with Codehaus Nexus while trying to stage beta. Will do as soon as issues resolved.

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - Having issues with Codehaus Nexus while trying to stage beta. Will do as soon as issues resolved.
        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment -

        Sure. Thank You!

        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment - Sure. Thank You!
        Mauro Talevi added a comment -

        Hi Nirmala, 3.9-beta-2 has finally been released. Please try it out.

        Mauro Talevi added a comment - Hi Nirmala, 3.9-beta-2 has finally been released. Please try it out.
        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment -

        Thank You Mauro.I shall try and let you know soon.

        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment - Thank You Mauro.I shall try and let you know soon.
        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment -

        Hi Mauro - It's working great. I shall give it to my teams and get their feedback as well. I'm very excited to see JBehave's support for Gherkin. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much!

        Nirmala Sakthi added a comment - Hi Mauro - It's working great. I shall give it to my teams and get their feedback as well. I'm very excited to see JBehave's support for Gherkin. I really appreciate it. Thank you so much!
        Mauro Talevi made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]


          • Assignee:
            Mauro Talevi
            Nirmala Sakthi
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


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