After parsing the new Ant Task property "useStoryTimeoutInSecsByPath", I want to ensure that each story path specified is a valid path.
For example, suppose useStoryTimeoutInSecsByPath="*/test1.story:15,*/test2.story:77"
and in this case "test2.story" is not a valid path (that story doesn't exist).
To do this check, I used StoryFinder.findPaths(String searchIn, String include, String exclude) on line 325 of
In order to use this method, I had to pass in the correct path to "searchIn", which was already being conveniently determined in AbstractEmbedderTask.searchDirectory(), line 180.
So in summary, I introduced this method in order to take advantage of AbstractEmbedderTask.searchDirectory(), which is accessible via the "embedderMonitor" field in
Has this been resolved with